An obiter dictum

When you want-to-be/feel alone, with a head-full of thoughts, its time for some silent musings, some personal cerebrations, some place to put down your thoughts- may be to come back to them, read, ponder and wonder at the flights of fantasy of humans! Carry on to read some persuasions of a weird mind ;-)

Monday, January 10, 2005

busy, busy and more busy !

  Was slugging since past 4 days day in and day out to work out my site. I didn't knew the simplicity of html and complexity of JavaScript would be this damn painful I am tired of the bullshit stuff in html, the same things over and over again and sooo many tags, Oh god! and JavaScript is way too much technical to use a small snippet in a webpage, without knowing it properly. I had though I will read it a bit and use the small, simple features for my site, which anyway is going to be the simplest possible ever

    Anyways that was the reason I was not here on my blog since a week, also didn't read anything, donno what all things people might have written in a week- oh soo many posts waiting n wanting to be read !! Well anyway still have a lot to do about my page, I should leave rite away!


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