An obiter dictum

When you want-to-be/feel alone, with a head-full of thoughts, its time for some silent musings, some personal cerebrations, some place to put down your thoughts- may be to come back to them, read, ponder and wonder at the flights of fantasy of humans! Carry on to read some persuasions of a weird mind ;-)

Monday, October 18, 2004

Orphic Rains

Alas! It hasn't rained, here in Mumbai, since what seems to be ages . I have always loved rains like..... like some indescribable thing !!
Imagine the feeling of being washed down by rains; completely drenched to the bone; as if you are standing at the base of a dam and someone has opened the sluice gates on you! I vividly remember the train journey to Indore in June '04. It was somewhere around 7 in the morning with heavy rains and I was standing at the door of my compartment- rather was half hanging out . And by jove! the biiig raindrops were hitting me hard like bullets !
Oh boy! What experience :-) Have you ever, in your life, experienced a cloud-burst without a raincoat or umbrella ? Please lemme know so if you have, I'd love to hear about your experiences!

Between here is something I came up with this rainy season. Hard to say how I figured this particular collection of these particular words but you can hold 'her' and the rains as the nearest culprit

Enjoy !

The Instauration: It was late night time (can say early morning !) when I was sleepy and working on my comp. sitting in my chair and looking out of the balcony; when this far of bulb, glowing dimly in the rains, suddenly caught my attention !
As the rains slowed the light became more visible, as if the rains had been stealing its light !! Not to forget my comparison of 'herself' to the 'dim light in the rain' and the figure slowly dissolves away with fading rains !
By the way, i have zilch idea about 'her' ! it just came to my mind so used it.

Orphic Rains

It rained again tonight.
From my balcony i saw out
n admired that far-off, twinkling, faded light.

Oh! how the falling drops shine
they steal its bright
but fade THE light.

But wait i see something more,
Out there !
and I hadn't known something so amazing
I swear !

I guess i saw u dancing,
on the falling drops,
and on that mystical, floating cloud.
And amidst the lush green crops
I could hear u sing aloud !

Singing ur heart out, yeah you were,
Getting blown by the winds n drenched to the bone.
But you, your figure n words were, to me, so blur
As if u were living the minutes all by ur own.
Living a faded life like that light
Hiding from the world, all ur bright.

But its so vicious of FADING RAIN
to take the beauty which lies therein.
Fading driblets n the brightening light
And in the upcoming lights i find myself losing a sight !
Sight of You !

As the light grows bright
and you melt in the rain
fading by each minute
and my sorrow, to it, I impute.

Now that it doesn't anymore rain
but I think, out there, somewhere
You still dance on watever remain !

But a thing more I'd like to write
And it all seems to me so much true and so right
That one day u'll come out n shine so bright
That no rains could mar ur worth n ur might !


* Inspiration: my veiled love for her!!

* Location: where else than my balcony? :-)

* Glossary !! Didn't knew the exact meaning of these few words myself before writing this piece:
Orphic - Having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding
vicious - able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering
impute - Attribute or credit to


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